La classe de M. Boyer

7e année

Do Ré Mi...

This is a video that Mme Hendry showed students today while teaching them the notes of the musical staff.


September 16th

Tonight is our school's Meet and Greet barbecue.
Scholastic orders are due Monday.
Our dictée test is tomorrow.
Students are to complete their ELA writing assignment for homework.

September 15th

·         Thursday night is Meet the Teacher night!  Hope to see you there.

·         There is a dictée test on Friday morning.  The words were posted to the blog earlier today.  Students have had the words in their agendas since last week.

·         Thursday is also “50’s Day”.  Stay tuned for pictures from our class.

·         If any students have not completed Mme Hendry’s “Autoportrait” activity, they must be completed ASAP.  


We are having a great start to the year!  I’m excited to start using technology more and more as we progress.  I’m also excited to have Mme Hendry start her student teaching, working towards teaching 3 full weeks in November.  She has already done some wonderful work in Education artistique and will take over Social Studies tomorrow.


Have a great evening!


M. Boyer

Dictée Words - September 18th

Here are this week’s dictée words for Friday.  Students have had them in their agendas since last week. 

1.       une source

2.       la lumière

3.       une source naturelle

4.       une source artificielle

5.       la Lune

6.       le Soleil

7.       une ampoule

8.       la luciole

9.       Le Soleil est une source de lumière naturelle

10.   Une ampoule est une source de lumière artificielle.

September 9th

Tonight's homework if not completed:

  • Religion: Mario and Nonna drawing
  • Sciences Humaines: Ma maison 

Please sign up for Remind if you haven't done so already.  I've already had the chance to answer questions directly from parents and I believe that it's a great communication tool for the classroom.  

September 8th

I hope everyone had a relaxing long weekend!

Students are to complete Mathématiques p. 39 1-5 and finish their "Overcoming Challenges" writing assignments from last week.

Please sign up for text message remiders at  Our class code is @esmboyer.

Bienvenue! Welcome!

​Welcome to another school year at École St. Margaret!  Mme Hendry, our intern teacher and I are very excited to learn with your children this year.  Please stay tuned to this blog as well as the agenda and our Remind account to get the latest news, notes, and homework from us as well as a glimpse of what we are learning this year.  

Today I have sent home some important information regarding signing up for text message classroom updates.  Please go to and use the code I sent home to sign up to receive updates sent directly to your phone.

Mme Hendry and I will unfortunately be away for the remainder of the week as we attend the University of Regina Internship Seminar in Regina.  It is difficult to be away for so long so soon into the school year, but we are excited for the learning we are about to do together. 

We are looking forward to what lies ahead for us this year.  Working together, we will create a community where all students can  learn, believe, and belong.

M. Boyer and Mme Hendry


Welcome to all parents and students who have stumbled upon my blog over the summer.  Please check back often for updates, as I will be posting throughout the summer.